• Media

    Book Sadie for an interview (in person, online, or podcast), photoshoot, or to invite her to write for your publication.

  • Collaborations

    Team up with Sadie on her passion projects ranging from animal rights, bringing people closer to nature, leadership and activism, and protecting the natural world.

  • Events

    Invite Sadie to be a guest, host, speaker, or panellist at your event.

  • "Sadie is highly organised and extremely efficient with the power to bring people together both within her own sphere of influence and with external organisations and individuals. Her irresistible charm and inspirational approach make her a joy to work with."

    Emma Osborne, CEO & Founder at Citizen Kind

  • "Sadie achieved something that many vegan leaders only dream of or think impossible. She created the first vegan employee resource group in the UK government and thus created a bold precedent to inspire similar initiatives at other companies and institutions."

    Darina Bockman, Founder and President of Vegan Leaders in Corporate Management

  • "Sadie's talk was absolutely brilliant. I have never seen year 12's sit in silence and be that attentive. This has really changed me and my colleagues. I will be reflecting & looking at what changes I can make, & I'm sure many others will too."

    Jerry Clack, Head of Religious Education at Theale Green School

“Together we can empower each other to create not only incredible individual changes, but also demand huge systemic transformation.”

Sadie Jade, 2020


Book Sadie for an interview (in person, online, or podcast), photoshoot, or invite her to write for your publication.

Sadie has featured in photoshoots promoting ethical fashion and undertaken many interviews about her activism with the sole mission of motivating others to take action in protecting animals and the natural world.

She has written guest publications for notable organisations, been a monthly columnist for her local magazine, and featured as a guest on podcasts.

To view featured media of Sadie, please go to ‘Media and PR’.

All media requests for Sadie are managed by MAD Promotions. To book Sadie for a photoshoot, interview, or to ask her to write for your publication, please get in touch.


There’s nothing quite like coming together to make a bigger impact. Team up with Sadie on her current passion projects below, or reach out with an entirely new idea.

Animal Rights

Bringing people closer to nature

Leadership and activism

Protecting the natural world


Invite Sadie to be a guest, host, speaker, or panellist at your event.

Sharing her extensive expertise on vegan related topics and animal rights issues, Sadie has been a panellist for VegFest UK, Vegan Leaders in Corporate Management, and presented as a subject matter expert to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Vegetarianism and Veganism.

Sadie is often invited to get involved in community based events, for example as a guest host or as a speaker. She has worked with large organisations, such as the Women’s Institute, across the country (virtually) presenting on various topics relating to the environment and ways to live an eco-conscious lifestyle, as well as smaller, more intimate events sharing her personal story and insights into her work behind the scenes.

  • Sadie’s unique appeal as a vegan educator and animal rights activist is that she comes from *the* most genuine place. Her heart and mind combine so her passion and her opinions are powerful, yet not hostile. Her natural ability to teach inspires curiosity almost immediately. Like any good teacher, she leaves you wanting to find out more... I think Sadie’s warm and approachable nature also makes her the ideal person to educate anyone about some very difficult subject matter. She challenges you to rethink ingrained beliefs about farming. And as a committed dairy consumer, she’s altered my conceptions completely.


  • I found you through the ethical butcher post and your comment immediately caught my attention. It just showed how much knowledge you have in the subject. It also stood out to me the way you started discussion. Not by attacking (which we see a lot) but by being respectful and keen to listen to the other side. As someone that really wants to do more for animals I decided to message you seeking for help on how to start and how to educate myself within the subject. While talking to you I didn’t feel judged, I felt like I can ask you questions and you didn’t make me feel bad by not knowing things. I really appreciate that and since then I’m trying to educate myself more and more so when people approach me and ask me questions I can answer them too. I’m just glad that there are people out there like you that take their time to help educate people like myself


  • Sadie is a very passionate person in all aspects of her life whether it be her animal rights activism or being creative at home and this passion transcends into her teaching and ability to take the lead when the occasion calls for it. I've witnessed via social media platforms a few of her school talks on various subjects under the umbrella of animal rights and veganism which she makes both fun and informative without skimping on the facts, with this in mind I can see that Sadie takes an approach to coaching/teaching that isn't too full on and 'in your face' like some can be but instead offers a more relaxed learning experience for all with just enough information to learn but not feel too overloaded with information at the end of it.


  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

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